Monday, October 17, 2011

Bottled Apples

I had no intention of bottling apples on Saturday, but that's what I ended up doing. I bought a case of apples from Bountiful Baskets and was planning on making apple pie filling. But, after some discussion with a bottling expert I decided to just bottle fresh apples in a light syrup. You can use these apples to make applie pie filing later. They produce their own juice and you don't have the problem of the filling seperating. Plus, you can use the apples for other things, you're not just limited to applie pie filling.
In my house hold, we eat fried apples with Pork. So, it was a win-win situation.

I used about 15 apples and ended up with 5 bottles. I just got this handy dandy apple peeler and I LOVE IT! This whole process took me about 20 min.
Peal and cut apples (done by the apple peeler).
Place apple slices in steril jars and fill with light syrup. (3 Parts water, 1 part sugar. Ex: 3 C. Water and 1 C. Sugar) Pressure for 20 min.

I want to let them sit for a while before I use them, but I'm really excited to try them. I will re-post when I use my first bottle.

TIP: I didn't know this until after I had removed my apples. If you remove them from the pressure before they cool a little, all the fruit will float to the top. Simply shut off the stove and let sit for 5 minutes before removing the lid. This will prevent everything from floating. I will do this next time.

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